Function DisableBypassADP(blnYesNo As Boolean) CurrentProject.Properties.Add "AllowByPassKey", blnYesNo End Function 然后在启动时调用 DisableBypassADP(false) 更详细的做法: Function SetMyProperty(MyPropName As String, MyPropvalue As Variant) As Boolean On Error GoTo SetMyProperty_In_Err Dim Ix As Integer With CurrentProject.Properties If fn_PropertyExist(MyPropName) Then 'check if it already exists For Ix = 0 To .Count - 1 If .Item(Ix).Name = MyPropName Then .Item(Ix).value = MyPropvalue End If Next Ix Else .Add MyPropName, MyPropvalue End If End With SetMyProperty = True SetMyProperty_Exit: Exit Function SetMyProperty_In_Err: MsgBox "设置属性出错:", Err, Error$ SetMyProperty = False Resume SetMyProperty_Exit End Function '--------检查属性是否存在--- Private Function fn_PropertyExist(MyPropName As String) As Boolean fn_PropertyExist = False Dim Ix As Integer With CurrentProject.Properties For Ix = 0 To .Count - 1 If .Item(Ix).Name = MyPropName Then fn_PropertyExist = True Exit For End If Next Ix End With End Function Public Function setByPass() SetMyProperty "AllowBypassKey", True End Function |