Donald Jobs
No.67, Lane123, Job Road, Job District
(+86) 0592-5885308
Shanghai, China
A management consulting position in the field of Customer Relationship Management utilizing strong analytical and customer service skills
Bachelor of Arts in Economics
June 2014
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
University of JOBS
Relevant Courses: Finance, Accounting, Computer Science and Calculus
Computer: Proficient in both Macintosh and PC computers. Knowledge of , Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Adobe Photoshop and HTML
Languages: Fluent in Mandarin, English, Cantonese(spoken)
Sales Associate
Jun 2013-present
Banana Company, Shanghai
Awarded Star Performer the first month of employment
Continuously exceed sales goals by 150%, well surassing average associate's goals
Manage all customer service activities
Intern Manager for Senior Financial Consultant
Sep 2012-Feb 2013
Merrill Lynch, Shanghai
Facilitate major marketing projects resulting in a 20% increase of clients and generating an additional $1 million in revenue
Analyze current financial market conditions and compile data from S&P 500 reports for clients
Promoted to Intern Manager within six months
Sales Representive
Nov 2011-Apr 2012
CDE Company, Beijing
Achieved number one sales representive position in the first four months by increasing sales over 50%, twice the growth rate of the company
Hired as sales representative and promoted to sales manager
Custmoer Service Representive
Oct 2010-Jan 2011
Merrill Lynch, Beijing
Cold called potential customers to attend investment semonars
Attracted 30% more attendees to the Merrill Lynch seminar
Elected ASUCI Administrative Intern and Greek Affairs Commissioner (2010-2012)
Elected Kappa Alpha Theta Publicity and Activities chair (2008-2010)
Songfest Winner (2009 Musical competition that benefited various philanthropies)